Quarterback Academy

Difference Makers Quarterback Academy is committed to developing and building the “Confident quarterback”, allowing you to maximize your individual potential. To achieve this, we will use a “any means necessary” approach, treating training as a “Construction Zone” where quarterbacks are challenged, encouraged to train and practice without fear of mistake or failure. By losing the fear of failure it will allow you to learn from that failure. Rep by rep we will construct a masterpiece filling our “Shed” with all the tools needed to be successful.
Our training philosophy focuses on the foundation fundamentals of “Confident Quarterbacks.”
  • Stroke mechanics
  • 3 Different throws
  • Base Balance and load
  • Drop Back Fundamentals
  • Off Platform Throws
  • Pocket Manipulation
  • Ball Handling
  • Game Management
  • Anticipation
  • Defensive Understanding
For small group and one on one session please email info@dmath.org for pricing and scheduling.